Cloud Computing in Healthcare: How Does It Work, and Is It Safe Enough?

CHI Software
7 min readJun 4, 2024


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Cloud computing in healthcare

Cloud computing is one of the most interesting pieces of technology available today. The first discussions about the concept began in the early 1960s — and today, almost 60 years later, cloud technology is commonplace.

It was only a matter of time before cloud computing would make its way to the healthcare sector. Nowadays, we see widespread adoption of cloud technologies by healthcare and wellness providers. So, let’s dive into cloud computing and learn how it’s utilized in today’s industry.

Understanding Cloud Computing in Healthcare

Cloud computing means providing users with computing services over the Internet with pay-as-you-go pricing. Such services can vary depending on the user’s needs, from storing information to providing access to software.

When the pandemic pushed everyone back into their homes, cloud computing started to gain more popularity in the healthcare sector. In 2021, the global healthcare cloud computing market was worth 39.1 billion USD. This number is estimated to grow to $102.3 billion USD by 2028.

Healthcare cloud computing market growth

This market growth is due to advancements in cloud security and AI integration, which have led more healthcare and wellness businesses to consider adopting innovations.

The market data correlates with the healthcare analytics data we at CHI Software collected ourselves. Not so long ago, we conducted a survey of healthcare organizations and wellness businesses. One of the questions we asked was: which technology trend is transforming your business?

Technologies transforming healthcare and wellness businesses

As you can see, 23% of respondents answered that cloud-based solutions and ecosystems are transforming their businesses. This leads us to the conclusion that we experience a steady growth in cloud computing adoption. But is it as good as people say?

What Cloud Infrastructure for Healthcare Brings to the Table

Cloud technology benefits healthcare in various ways:

Benefits of cloud computing in healthcare


Before the wide adoption of cloud computing technology, businesses had to have on-premise data centers. These data centers require constant maintenance to provide computing power, storage, and other resources. Needless to say, this wasn’t the cheapest solution, but since there were no alternatives, it was the only choice businesses had.

Contrary to on-site servers, cloud computing enables businesses to enjoy all the power of data centers without the cost of maintaining them. Businesses only pay for the cloud-based infrastructure and computing resources they use.

Increased speed and agility

Picture this: your healthcare business wants to adopt new software. To do that, you need to send a request to the IT department, configure hardware to support new software, purchase said software, and then install it. The whole process can take months!

With cloud computing, healthcare IT efficiency can reach a whole other level. You don’t need to worry about tweaking hardware to support new software. All you need to do is purchase and install the software on your cloud, and that’s it — you’re ready to go without waiting.

Unlimited scalability

With physical servers, scalability is the question of how much hardware your business can afford to buy. If you want your business to scale up operations, you must provide enough hardware to match the desired scale.

This comes with additional software expenses and a higher maintenance cost, which is less than optimal for any health IT infrastructure, to say the least.

With cloud computing, however, it’s only a matter of purchasing additional computating power. On top of that, as soon as you don’t need it, you don’t need to be stuck with a bunch of useless hardware — you can simply reduce your cloud services needs and save money.

Enhanced strategic value

The healthcare industry is often a pioneer in adopting new technologies. In our survey, almost 40% of respondents answered that implementing complex technological solutions is important for their businesses.

Factors important for a seamless digital patient experience and build a consistent brand image in healthcare

While innovation is always a good thing, your business might struggle to adapt to changes. Thankfully, cloud computing is here to help.

With cloud computing, you can try out any new solution without changing your existing working environment. One of the examples of such technologies is AI.

While AI promises to benefit healthcare immensely, it might be hard to train and store AI models on your business’ local servers. This problem is easily mitigated by cloud computing — since you can train and store AI in the cloud.

As a leader in AI expertise, we at CHI Software know how effective it is to pair AI and cloud computing for healthcare and wellness businesses. Contact our experts if healthcare AI consulting is something your business is looking for.

To summarize, cloud infrastructure for healthcare brings a lot of value to offer. We know it first-hand — many of our projects used cloud technologies. Let’s open our portfolio and check them out.

Use Cases of Cloud Computing in Healthcare

The healthcare industry can utilize cloud computing in a variety of ways. We have compiled examples of cloud-based healthcare solutions from all over the world to showcase how they work in the real-world environment.

Fitness App Powered by Cloud Computing

During the COVID pandemic, there was a problem with social interaction between people, and our client aimed to solve this issue. As a leading US healthcare startup, they saw a need for people to have space to socialize while exercising.

They turned an idea into an app. However, they had trouble with creating one of the important features, so they contacted us to do it. This is the story of how the leaderboard by location was born.

Instead of just listing every app user, the leaderboard changes based on the location and additional settings. For example, the user can adjust the leaderboard to show only people from their neighborhood, work, city, or whole state.

Health & fitness app by CHI Software

To implement this feature, we decided to leverage our knowledge of cloud computing and our AWS partnership to create a serverless system that can be adjusted in seconds.

Cloud-based healthcare applications are always a treat for us to work on. We had our shining moment to showcase our cloud computing skills, and users got a quality feature that helped them stay connected even in daring times.

To learn more about this project, you can read our extensive case study. In the meantime, let’s move on to the next solution.

How We Created Remote Monitoring Software Using Cloud Computing

Every parent in the world is concerned about their child’s safety. One of our clients, a US-based startup producing IoT solutions for childcare, decided to provide parents with much-needed ease in mind. They contacted us with an idea to develop a remote nursery monitoring app.

In their vision, the solution would act as a control hub, allowing parents to manage and monitor their baby’s nursery. We decided to expand on it by integrating with various smart home devices, smartphones, laptops, wearable tech, etc. This integration is seamless, meaning parents can always stay connected from any location.

Connected nursery by CHI Software

As you can probably guess by now, this solution heavily relies on cloud computing. We used various AWS services to ensure seamless connection and smart house integration support. The result is an innovative all-in-one app filled to the brim with features:

  • Remote monitoring of the child’s activities via video cameras;
  • Notifications about the child’s current state;
  • Reports on the child’s activities and overall health state;
  • Stats and graphs for better statistics understanding;
  • Timer to schedule activation of various smart house appliances;
  • Settings to adjust the app for a comfortable user experience.

The project is still ongoing but has already shown promising results. Our client reports a 15% in user engagement and a 10% increase in parent satisfaction.

To learn more about this project, be sure to read our case study. Let’s cover some more use cases of cloud computing in healthcare.

Explore further and uncover more! Click the link for additional real-world use cases and potential engineering hurdles along with their solutions.



CHI Software

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