IoT in Healthcare: How It Works, and What to Expect?

CHI Software
6 min readMay 10, 2024
IoT in healthcare

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If you’re running a healthcare business and looking for ways to innovate care delivery, the Internet of Things — or IoT — might be your ticket. Connected devices and data analytics are changing healthcare in many exciting ways. From remote patient monitoring to asset tracking and predictive analytics, IoT solutions open up a world of possibilities.

But there must be a catch, you might think. And you’re right. Implementing new tech in a heavily regulated industry is no walk in the park. Privacy, security, integration are obstacles that loom large. Are you still considering taking the plunge? Don’t let the risks drown out the rewards.

IoT software development can cut costs, improve outcomes, and keep patients healthier and happier. Whether you’re a scrappy startup or an established player, it’s time to start connecting the dots. IoT is the future of healthcare. Do you want to know why and how? This article will reveal all the cards.

The Promise of IoT in Healthcare

Healthcare is one of the industries that stands to benefit most from innovation. Saving and continuing people’s lives have become possible only thanks to inventions, research, and, of course, digitalization.

According to CHI Software’s research, 39% of healthcare and wellness businesses rely on complex solutions to improve patient experience and consistent image.

Technologies for business improvements in healthcare

Moreover, 75% of respondents said that increased integration of technologies and data-driven solutions is the main direction of the industry’s future growth.

The future of HealthTech

IoT solutions for healthcare professionals, along with AI-driven innovations, are the future many of us believe in. This technology literally links patients and doctors, allowing them to establish a 24/7 connection never before possible.

In response to this opportunity, around 67% of healthcare companies are either considering or definitely implementing IoT in reaching their goals.

Considerations about IoT adoption in healthcare

To confirm this information with other research, we’ve turned to IoT healthcare market trends and found out the global IoT in healthcare niche is anticipated to grow from USD 127.7 billion in 2023 to USD 289.2 by 2028. In other words, the market could double in just five years.

What does it all mean for your business? First and foremost, you can’t ignore Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) innovations and rely solely on traditional methods of providing patient care and experience. But how far you go with interconnected devices is up to you.

Our task for today is to introduce you to all your options and discuss what advantages you might gain from the Internet of Things.

IoT Healthcare Opportunities: Improving Operations and Patient Care

Opportunities of IoT in healthcare

The IoT transforms healthcare delivery through connected medical devices and health monitoring apps.

For patients, this means improved quality of care and potentially lower costs. Healthcare organizations can gain operational efficiencies, reduce errors, and provide value-added services. But let’s learn the details.

Connected Care Anywhere

Wearable devices and sensors can continuously monitor patients’ health data, such as heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, etc. Doctors can get real-time updates about patients’ conditions and can take prompt action in case of emergencies. Patients, in turn, feel reassured knowing their health is under watch 24/7.

Improved Chronic Disease Management

IoT devices help patients with chronic diseases like diabetes or heart disease better manage their conditions at home.

Connected glucometers and blood pressure cuffs automatically upload readings to doctors who can adjust treatment plans remotely. Patients adhere better to treatment plans and avoid complications, reducing hospital visits.

Operational Efficiencies

It’s not only patients directly. Your internal operations also get their advantages:

  • First and foremost, connected medical devices integrate with electronic health records systems, reducing manual data entry and errors.
  • Asset tracking systems help locate medical equipment quickly.
  • Predictive analytics identify patterns to optimize staffing and resource needs.

New Value-Added Services

Data from IoT devices and apps provide insights into patient health and behaviors, which can help you offer personalized care plans, wellness programs, and other value-added services.

For example, an app may analyze sleep data and exercise patterns to recommend lifestyle changes. These services build patient loyalty and open new revenue streams.

All in all, with connected devices and data-driven insights, care can become more predictive, preventive, and precise. But, as is often the case, these benefits of IoT in patient care management look good on paper — but we want to show you how they work for real businesses.

How It Works in Real Life: Our Experience of Implementing IoT in Healthcare

Healthcare is not the easiest industry to work in because of regulations and security concerns. But CHI Software is all for tackling challenges. Let us show you some great use cases of IoT improving healthcare.

Healthcare App to Track Senior Well-Being

This project is special for our team because it touches on the senior audience. Tracking and monitoring health after the age 50 is a vital necessity, so we’re glad to be helpful in this niche.

One of our clients is a US company providing a popular AI Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) solution, aiming to oversee elderly patients and notify staff in case of falls, dehydration, or unusual physiological changes.

The goal of our project was to craft a cutting-edge cross-platform app. Such a solution not only delves into personal health monitoring and predictive data analytics, but also offers real-time tracking of the patient’s location and movement, allowing for swift deployment of first aid during emergencies.

IoT app for seniors

That’s a complete list of features our team has come up with:

  1. Connection with caregivers: Sharing info with family or nurses;
  2. Tracking: Find seniors easily when they are out, using GPS;
  3. Providing information: Receiving and managing notifications from linked devices;
  4. Quick help at the press of a button: Seniors can ask for immediate aid in emergencies;
  5. Reporting: Checking out detailed graphs of seniors’ health data over time;
  6. Medication management: Sending reminders to take medication on time;
  7. Movement tracking: Keeping tabs on daily activities like walking and exercises.

We have even more details to share. Follow this link to learn more about the project’s tech stack, final results, and client benefits.

Remote Monitoring App for Nurseries

Here’s a great example of how to use remote monitoring features for well-being software. This project is not strictly about healthcare but still plays a crucial role in babies’ safety and environmental conditions.

Our client is a US-based startup building IoT solutions for childcare, particularly connected nursery solutions.

This project aims to provide continuous remote monitoring with cameras and audio, connect at least three devices with one platform, send reports and data analytics, and more.

Remote monitoring software by CHI Software

Here’s what our connected nursery has to offer now:

  1. Staying connected with a remote monitoring assistant for parents;
  2. Getting alerts about the children’s heart rate, breathing, and activity;
  3. In-depth reports on the children’s activity and health status;
  4. Detailed graphs of the children’s information over a specific period;
  5. Timers to create the perfect environment for various purposes and times of the day, for example, for feeding or getting asleep;
  6. A range of settings to personalize the user experience.

Would you like to know even more about the app’s flow and tech stack? Visit our portfolio to explore everything from start to finish.

Of course, these two projects are just examples. The world of IoT in healthcare is far broader. Here are more opportunities to consider.

What else? Our original article also explains more IoT use cases in healthcare and possible challenges to avoid. Click to read!



CHI Software

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